ESP Biography


Major: Human Biology

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2024

Picture of Anita Taft

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S8028: Do No Harm: Why Medical Ethics Matters in Splash Spring 2024 (May. 18 - 19, 2024)
We will be discussing hard-hitting questions at the intersection of healthcare and ethics. Delving into various case studies in media, popular culture, and biomedical research, we will explore the importance of patient advocacy and autonomy in ensuring high-quality medical care. Come and learn what we owe to each other and why ethics is a key element in any discipline. Disclaimer: We will be discussing heavy topics in healthcare, including potentially terminal illness and death.

S7909: Do No Harm: Why Medical Ethics Matters in Splash Fall 2023 (Dec. 02 - 03, 2023)
We will be discussing hard-hitting questions at the intersection of healthcare and ethics. Delving into various case studies in media, popular culture, and biomedical research, we will explore the importance of patient advocacy and autonomy in ensuring high-quality medical care. Come and learn what we owe to each other and why ethics is a key element in any discipline. Disclaimer: We will be discussing heavy topics in healthcare, including potentially terminal illness and death.

S7851: Do No Harm: Why Medical Ethics Matters in Splash Spring 2023 (May. 20 - 21, 2023)
We will be discussing hard-hitting questions at the intersection of healthcare and ethics. Delving into various case studies in media, popular culture, and biomedical research, we will explore the importance of patient advocacy and autonomy in ensuring high-quality medical care. Come and learn what we owe to each other and why ethics is a key element in any discipline. Disclaimer: We will be discussing heavy topics in healthcare, including potentially terminal illness and death.